Thursday, July 26, 2007



Whats up with facebook? Did they not think that hiring all of the best marketing folks in the world will be an over kill? I finally succumbed and joined facebook four days ago, I honestly felt that the site is nothing great. The only good thing about facebook is the small font size and that it is not blocked at my place of work.

One recommendation: Agnee, buy this CD. Its worth it.

And yes speakers was all about buying good quality speakers. Yesterday I burned a CD after a long time and noticed that listening pleasure of any song to a large extent depends on the quality of speakers you have. I guess a good speaker subsitutes for a Parle, a Topi, a Gandhi or a Shukla.

1 comment:

Abisurd said...

"I guess a good speaker subsitutes for a Parle, a Topi, a Gandhi or a Shukla."

Oh, what a statement. It makes me senti like anything. And at the same time, made me realize for the nth time how poor I am at keeping relations with friends and relatives. I suck in this field. I'm ashamed of this.