Saturday, August 26, 2006

Ann Arbor, Michigan

I was watching Tushar Kapoor's interview (the remote was kept on the other corner of the room). He was asked the question about his fondest memories in life. He said "the time I spent in Ann Arbor, Michigan...his undergrad school".

I liked his answer, not because I too attended Ann Arbor, Michigan but because I like people who like their undergraduate schools.

Monday, August 21, 2006


I think I need to watch Fight Club again. My life is missing it.
Those of you who do not get what it means have to watch Fight Club.

Also I want to pay my regards to Ustad Bismillah Khan Sahib.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

desh mere

desh mere desh mere, meri jaan hain tu
desh mere desh mere, meri aan hain tu

I think only after coming to US, in a alien country I have realized that I am an Indian. Honestly, for someone like me it took me to get outside of India, away from Indianness to realize how much love you I had for my country.

Being a sikh it is very difficult for me to say 1984 happenings did not affect me. Ofcourse I do feel hurt that sikhs were slaughtered in 1984. Still even after what happened in 1984, I love India, thats where my heart is. I will not say the same thing about Indian judicial system though.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Yaar omkaara dekh lo bass. Movie has screenplay and direction in certain scenes which just touches you. Also the music is just terrific, specially the waking up song. First time I saw a movie with a waking up song, and the beauty with which Vishal has used this song....uffffff.

Other than this, life is okay. Bammi has moved to Bay Area, Topi is busy hunting job, Gandhi is already at it.

okay tata